A Mentorship with Duane Keiser

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh

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Corey Hardeman

"The months I spent studying with Duane Keiser were among the most prolific and generative of my career to date. As a mentor, he is honest, encouraging, constructive and thoughtful. When I was stuck, I felt that he understood what I was trying to get at; when my work was flowing I was excited to hear his responses to it. As a teacher and a critic he is generous and smart, and he has a clear and nuanced understanding of the business of art making. At every point I felt supported and challenged, and I grew tremendously in my work, in the way I think and write and paint. I can not recommend it highly enough to other painters."

Paula K. Zeller

"Simply put, I am a different artist because of Duane. He introduced me to painters, photographers, and authors whose works inspire me. He shared new ways to observe, and challenged me to think about what I paint, how, and why. Duane doesn’t like to “micromanage” the painting process but instead asked questions and made constructive comments that helped me take more control over my artistic decisions and path. Thanks to Duane’s approach to painting – a kind of poetry vs. perfection – I am creating from a deeper place and listening more closely to my own voice. He also made my new website and newsletter possible and gave me the courage to start my own blog. Throughout, Duane has been the best kind of mentor: supportive while also offering honest feedback, and invested in my growth and success."

Cari Guerin

"Working with Duane Keiser has been a very productive process for me that far exceeded my expectations. Duane is an incredibly talented artist. He possesses a profound and expansive knowledge of the art world. But most importantly he has an intuitive sense of how to encourage and inspire. His mentorship has been a pivotal point in my artistic journey, providing me with the tools and confidence to grow and evolve in my practice. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have been mentored by someone as gifted and knowledgeable as Duane Keiser."

John James

"My participation with Duane in this one-on-one, in-depth evaluation of my art journey has been evolutional for me. I had access to Duane’s lifetime of wisdom and knowledge of art. He tailored our program specifically to my needs as an artist. I came away from our time together with confidence in the direction of my artistic life!"

Matt Gunn

"Working with Duane has provided me with the tools and knowledge I need to bridge the gap between art and income. The man knows his stuff and is a sheer joy to work with. Always reasonably available while we were working closely and he remains available to me now no matter what the question or how tangential it may be to the stated purpose of the class. I would highly recommend moving forward with Duane if you wish to pursue art as a career."

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do... Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

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Duane Keiser studied painting under Raymond Berry at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia, and Lennart Anderson at Brooklyn College in NYC. His "A Painting a Day" blog has been written about in numerous publications, including USA Today, The New York Times, and The Huffington Post. When he first began the project, he used a makeshift easel made from a cigar box and made a postcard-sized painting each day, and posted them to his blog where collectors could bid on them via eBay. The project is ongoing (though not quite a painting each day.) He is also known for his "painted animations." A modern take on the still life, these videos combine traditional painting, animation, and time-lapse.​ He has exhibited at Fischbach Gallery, Allan Stone Gallery, and, most recently, the New York Academy of Art. His work resides in several corporate collections and thousands of private collections worldwide, including the Gregory Peterson Collection.

His teaching experience includes Randolph-Macon College (1990-present) and the University of Richmond (1992-2007. ) He has taught workshops all over the country in addition to his online courses. 

​He currently lives and works in Richmond, VA